Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Reasonably uneventful journey getting here.  Last 10km we were stuck behind 4 massive abnormal load corn harvesters taking up 3/4 of the entire road (R516).  We were in no rush and stayed tucked in behind them - enabled us to see some scenery and it was entertaining to see the oncoming traffic getting forced off the road.
Went out for a late afternoon drive but didn't see much - apparently there was some recent elephant and impala culling - tends to make the survivors skittish!  Did have this close sighting of a blue headed agama:

A pleasantly restless night as woken by honey badgers scratching in dustbin and crunching bones, unidentified things walking on roof of caravan, roaring of lion (distant), hooting of owls, screeching of francolin (something set them off!), very late night call of the woodland kingfisher, jackals - ah what bliss! Sharon had a nightmare - something to do with a leopard chasing her - and she woke up shouting and kicking.  That woke Luis up!!
We were determined to rise and shine early Tuesday morning to see if game were more accommodating.  Up before sunrise, normal blutes, sipping pleasant cup of coffee when "things" started plopping on our canopy - Luis got his "very powerful torch" and was shining torch up into trees above us - exclaimed that "it was raining" (but only above his head, we must add) - turned out to be a monkey peeing. Drenched his newly shampooed hair and dribbled on his T-shirt. Good for a giggle or 2 ... or 10.
Below pic is our camp site (offending "monkey tree" to the right of camp).

Had a pleasant 3 hour game viewing experience. 

Banded Mongoose

Lovely large kudu (largest male we've ever seen)

This cuckoo would not show his chest but based on hint of black stripe while "posing", we suspect this is a striped cuckoo not Jacobin.
Back at camp, the heavens opened up and the rain came pouring down.  Still very warm and rain welcome to wash away the lingering smell of monkey pee (yet another giggle!).

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