Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Villa Spa August 2011

This was first time use for iPad2.  Posts done via the iPad but photo's added afterwards as I cannot post multiple pics via iPad (at this stage).
Nice and quiet and relaxing. Weather started off cold and rainy but has cleared up nicely for the time being. Fishing has been slow (basically non-existent). Luis had one nice bite today (probably Shad).
Had an awesome sighting of a hawk hunting a dove in flight. Came skimming across the ground towards Gayle and I at knee level - unfortunately we were in the way and the hawk veered off into the wide blue yonder.
Cherry on the cake for today (17/8) was a wonderful sighting of a spotted eagle owl. Wow!!! Lighting bad as quite late but trusted Nikon D90 rose to the occasion.

Some other nice bird sightings:

Bronze Mannikin

Natal Robin

Cardinal Woodpecker

White Eared Barbet
18/8: Owl was in full sun - I presume warming himself after the cool of the night. Did get some clear "full-frontal pics of him but his eyes were closed against the glare of the sun.
Went to "The Terrace" for a bite to eat. They had a pot-bellied piglet there - so tiny and so precious.
Luis didn't catch any fish but weather was up and down all over the place.
Had uneventful and pleasant trip home.

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