Friday, August 15, 2014

Mozambique, Boa Vida. 12/8-13/8/14

Rose slightly later than normal with a thirst that couldn't be quenched. Hangover? Why?
Rain to start then warm overcast weather with sun breaking through periodically. Pleasantly cool.
Samango gave us a fright while we were eating breakfast. Jumped into the tree right next to us. Handsome little fellows.

Trumpeter foraging in the canopy presented an opportunity for an in flight shot.

Kids off to beach, Luis catnapping, me exploring shrubbery and forest for birds. Did see a raptor briefly but unable to identify.
Yellow-breasted Apalis (unusual pose)

Collared Sunbird.

Kurrichane, Natal Robin, Starling, Paradise Flycatcher, black flycatcher and other brief glimpses. Fish Eagle duet inland.
Zac hellbent on getting his monster truck. Doms and I eventually took them to Malongane picking up locals on the way to give them a lift - we must have looked like a taxi. Negotiated a good deal with Paulo (nice guy) and kids were happy. Some weed thrown in and the adults were happy.
I can't decide whether to buy "my" ellie man.
Morning sentinel in his usual position

Lazy day with sporadic sightings of whale.
Late morning bird hunt yielded a beautiful butterfly

Fishing vessel of Mozambiquan origin.

Afternoon run to Mamoli - $30 per person just to access the premises - return to good old faithful Sunset Shack. Good few drinks and 12 yummy prawns - R100 (excluding drinks!). Zac drove us home - he did great; better than Luis who, earlier on, had reversed into a tree trunk - this despite warnings from Dom and I and a rear view camera which he didn't even look at! All of a sudden, Jay's 'tuna (Diesel 10) has a lot more character.

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