Wednesday, April 29, 2015

5 Senyati nr Kasane 29/4/15

Quiet night with jackal and hyena. A couple of herds of elephant came down to drink. Some with youngsters.
The grey heron was going to great lengths yesterday to rid the waterhole of one great egret. This morning there must have been at least 10. Heron's neighborhood has gone to pot! He'll have his work cut out today. Also present besides the usual suspects were sacred ibises and squaco heron.
Great consternation among all of the above whenever an eagle flies by. Juvenile fish eagle roosting in one of the umbrella thorns over the waterhole. Last year there was a mature fish eagle... Wonder if it's her offspring?
Impala, zebra and giraffe on the plains. No Ellie activity thus far today.
Senyati has become a bit of a rip off with rules and regulations and exchange rates. Service levels seem to have dropped off quite a bit.

Our last night at Senyati, and all hell let loose. Lion/s roaring and snarling, elephant trumpeting ... (sounded very angry and anxious), Hyenas whooping and jackals yipping ... stampeding feet ...All very close. Lasted for about a minute then deathly silence. Even the insects and frogs were quiet. Normal night sounds resumed after 10 minutes.

Yellow-billed Kite assuming pose.

Sacred Ibis (juvie or female?) With catch of the day, French style... frogs legs

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4 Senyati, nr Kasane 28/4/15

Slept well accompanied by sporadic hyena chorus.

Blasted microlight gang are a nuisance. Constantly flying over us chasing game and birds away.
Spent most of the day in the shade of the deck under thatch. Cool and fly free. Not much mammal action. Lovely sighting of grey heron guarding his territory against a white heron. Was successful. Later, after waiting patiently for hours (him and I), he successfully caught a relatively large catfish and scoffed it down.

Another extremely hot day!

Having a torrid time uploading photos. Old BlogPress app no longer works. Suspect it's to do with my old style iPad and iOS 8!!! Much pain and time later, managed to get some pics up on yesterday's post on 29/4 and today, 30/4, attempting to sort this post out. 3G is non existent ... battling with 2G.

3 Senyati, nr Kasane. 27/4/15

Bade a fond farewell to all our newfound friends.
Saw a couple of ellies en route as well as ground hornbills and sadly, a dead civet. (Knocked over).
Bought some basic provisions in Kasane and arrived at Senyati at 11:30.
Very hot!
Coolest place is the deck. Spent most of the afternoon there.
No Ellie's but some photo opportunities with other, smaller stuff.
Problem with the blog app. Will not link to photo library! Will investigate with wifi tomorrow.
Managed to get a couple of pics down ... Took hours!

Huge herd of buffalo appeared and hung around through the night ... Could hear them grunting and see many eyes by the light of a torch. Also springhare and lots of cute mice. Impala were gambolling about.

Grey heron drying his wings then assuming ballerina in tutu pose

2 Elephant Sands 26/4/15

Despite noisy neighbours, still managed a good night's sleep.
Moved site this morning as a lot of people pulled out. Should be a quieter day unless loads more pull in!
Spent a lovely day chilling at the bar and watching the odd bull elephant or two come to drink. Met Kat and Estelle. Incurred a huge bar bill, ate at restaurant: tender steak with pepper sauce, chips, salads and veggies. Good value @ P135 each. In bed by 21:00!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

1 Elephant Sands, Nata 25/4/15

929 Kms to get here. 1 Abdim Stork and not much else. Hour delay at border post. As of this moment, am disappointed in Elephant Sands. Too many buildings, too many people (noisy, very noisy). Here for two nights so hope a lot leave tomorrow.
We crashed at about 8pm. Lights out! The whole of the Moremi Brigade camped next door and on top of us. They must have staggered home at 9ish. Vaguely heard a rampaging elephant but too tired to go and look.