Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4 Senyati, nr Kasane 28/4/15

Slept well accompanied by sporadic hyena chorus.

Blasted microlight gang are a nuisance. Constantly flying over us chasing game and birds away.
Spent most of the day in the shade of the deck under thatch. Cool and fly free. Not much mammal action. Lovely sighting of grey heron guarding his territory against a white heron. Was successful. Later, after waiting patiently for hours (him and I), he successfully caught a relatively large catfish and scoffed it down.

Another extremely hot day!

Having a torrid time uploading photos. Old BlogPress app no longer works. Suspect it's to do with my old style iPad and iOS 8!!! Much pain and time later, managed to get some pics up on yesterday's post on 29/4 and today, 30/4, attempting to sort this post out. 3G is non existent ... battling with 2G.

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