Thursday, May 5, 2016

KNP 5/5/16 Pkop

Really battling with this blogger app. Will look at alternatives once home.
Yesterday, late afternoon, a troop of monkeys had a huge altercation about 10 meters from us. Next thing, three of them started agressively challenging us. Luis was kicking sand in their faces to try and keep them at bay. Fortunately a neighbour came running to our rescue armed with a taser .... that did the trick. My guess is they were in pain (limping), adrenalin pumping and thinking we inflicted the pain!!!! Scary stuff!
Early to bed and early to rise seems to be our adage this trip. In bed by 7 and up at 4! (Actually, I lay awake from 2am ...). Heard barn owl, bats, hyena and night jar.
Pleasant run this morning.
Yellow longclaw posed beautifully for us.
Fighting hippos kept us entertained at Mestel for a good while.

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