Friday, August 24, 2012

Depart for home 24/8/12

Today we sadly depart our much loved Senyati. Once again, we were woken to the Pearl Spotted Duet! They have been our constant alarm clock during this trip. Hyena very vocal and very close throughout the night. Glorious!
Got on the road at 7am. Stopped off for an over nighter at Potgietersrus. Lovely little place called Squirrel's Nest Lodge, just off the main road. Good news is that we're max 3 hours away from home for tomorrow's run.

Senyati, 23/8/12

Lovely morning. No wind (yesterday, as well). Dickinson's Kestrel made an appearance ....

Bradfield's Hornbill has also been hanging around

Tend to ignore the "normal" hornbills but they're really quite pretty, especially in flight

Susan & I went out with the guys on their fishing expedition. The pilot, Rodney, very knowledgeable, catered to our photographic needs!

We startled a (rare, I believe) White Back Night Heron from it's hidden perch in a bush. Managed to track which bush he moved to....

Was still very well hidden but managed to see some bits of him.

There is quite a bit of traffic on the river, including river taxis which follow the "taxi norm": overloading and all manner of stuff carried.

Luis hooked a lovely 5kg barbel on lure. Actually dropped it back in the river 3 times but fortunately it was well hooked.

Sunset over Chobe

Senyati, 22/8/12

Guys fishing for the whole day. Luis caught his 2kg today. (photo compliments of Chas).

Shortly after this pic was taken, Luis stepped back on rocks and "disappeared" down a "mine shaft" (a large hole in the rock formation). Got off relatively lightly with assorted bruises and bumps. Worst injury was to the lower side of his face. All swollen and cut on inside of mouth.

Susan and I bored .... Went walking in 3pm heat to try and capture "exotic" bird pics. Ended up at bush pub and the largest congregation of various herds of elephant I have ever seen! Guessing around 100 strong. Also, the tiniest, littlest spot I have ever come across

A peaceful, wrestling moment.

Mud,mud, glorious mud!

A tailless starling, whom we have nicknamed "Stompie", has been making an appearance every day, even going into our chalet to look for scraps. Rather appealing little dude.

Senyati, 21/8/12

All slept like babies. Honey badger attacked the dustbin. Not a breath of wind this morning. (It's been a constant companion to date!)
A very lazy day ... Reading, snoozing and watching the rain ..... Yes .... Rain, in Botswana, in August! Played cards. Game very scarce.

Rain stopped around 5ish. Everywhere is fresh.

Senyati, 20/8/12

Survived the loft. Did not sleep well. Gave up at around 4.30am and sat outside enjoying the night noises. Scops, pearl spotted, jackal, hyena, night jars.
Just before sunrise, ground hornbill were grunting and booming into the night.

Sunrise brought a brief visit from a jackal. Baboons entertaining us with their antics.
Herds of Sable & Roan visited today.

Kudu were also thirsty

A number of herds of elephants arrived at the waterhole simultaneously. Most were large males. Quite an impressive sight.

The guys all day fishing expedition did not yield any major results. Couple of small tiger. Was very windy today. Luis captured a juvenile fish eagle

Good laugh this evening. All in high spirits. A honey badger popped his head in the door as everyone was going to bed. He got a fright when he saw and heard us and scampered off.

Senyati 19/8/12

Had to leave our chalet for one night (tonight) as it was pre-booked by someone else. Bit of a pain. Threw most of the stuff into Brutus last night. Left the kitchen boxes and fridge stuff for staff to move. We went off to Chobe. Nice sighting of sable, puku, fish eagle and assorted water birds. Quite pleasant.

Back to camp & into our one nighter! Not pleasant - loft bedroom with access via ladder - will need to watch alcohol consumption, that's for sure! Really glad it's only one night. Pray I don't need the loo during the night. Actually, this could be the night we (I) sit up all night to observe the beasties.
Ellie's entertained us all afternoon. Lilac Breasted Roller encouraged us to experiment with bird in flight shots.

Luis & I sat around the fire enjoying the night noises. Next thing, 10 feet away from us, is a mother elephant and her young calf. She heard us talking, swung around and stared at us. I'm frantically telling Luis to sit still and keep quiet. She continued staring for 5 tension charged minutes then moved off. My relief was short lived though as Luis started talking again! She swung around and glared for another 5 minutes before really moving off. Wow, adrenalin rush of note!!!!!!

Senyati 18/8/12

Slept well although all of us did wake up a few times.
Lovely sunrise.

Luis has sorted out Brutus' temp gauge.
Guys went fishing around noon. Within minutes of them leaving, a large herd of sable came to drink.

Pleasant day had by all. Fishing yielded a few small tiger. Played canasta to the accompaniment of jackals howling and hyena whooping.

Senyati, nr Kasane, Botswana 17/8/12

Awoke at Elephant Sands to the piercing call of the Pearl Spotted Owlet.
Elephants got hold of the "donkey" (water heating system) during the night, so hot water this morning! Scrumptious omelette breakfast.
Construction on the Kasane Express highway continues. Not too bad, certainly better than last year. Elephant next to the road plus usual suspects. (It's like being in the Kruger at 120 kms).
Went into Kasane for some shopping and to familiarize ourselves with Mark's (tiger fishing guy) meeting place.
Senyati is still good. A herd (3 strong) of sable greeted us.

Chalet is very pleasant.
A very pleasant afternoon spent watching ellies, sable, baboons, impala and other assorted odds and ends.

Chas made a curry for supper. A rather under the weather Luis was helping him. When asked to bring some water, Luis grabbed a flask, added water but forgot to empty the coffee. Curry was lovely, coffee is obviously the secret ingredient for a damn good curry.
Brutus' temp gauge malfunctioned today ..... Tomorrow's worry!

Elephant Sands, nr Nata,Botswana (16/8/12)

Left home at 04.30 and arrived here, after a grueling 953km haul, around 17.30.
En route: woke up before the crack of dawn wondering if Chas had a ZA sticker. Didn't - stopped at every garage, started building up to a panic. Last town before border (Baltimore!) garage owner suggested we use insulation tape. Duly accomplished (a very scruffy looking ZA!). At cafe, right next to border post, they had no end of the blasted stickers! All's well that end's well. Trip itself consisted of a dry, monotonous road,. Sightings of assorted eagles, steenbuck, warthog. Border post saw our tomatoes being impounded: fruit fly, you know! No mishaps at various vet gates. Assume foot and mouth is under some sort of control. As luck would have it, we have no impoundable meat, anyway! Just tomatoes!!

Nice place - elephant and kudu at the waterhole.

 Grub was good. Chalets are designed for heat: brick under thatch, mosquito netting at window openings (no glass), bathroom external wall made out of reed. Lighting, while generator is running.