Friday, August 24, 2012

Senyati, 23/8/12

Lovely morning. No wind (yesterday, as well). Dickinson's Kestrel made an appearance ....

Bradfield's Hornbill has also been hanging around

Tend to ignore the "normal" hornbills but they're really quite pretty, especially in flight

Susan & I went out with the guys on their fishing expedition. The pilot, Rodney, very knowledgeable, catered to our photographic needs!

We startled a (rare, I believe) White Back Night Heron from it's hidden perch in a bush. Managed to track which bush he moved to....

Was still very well hidden but managed to see some bits of him.

There is quite a bit of traffic on the river, including river taxis which follow the "taxi norm": overloading and all manner of stuff carried.

Luis hooked a lovely 5kg barbel on lure. Actually dropped it back in the river 3 times but fortunately it was well hooked.

Sunset over Chobe

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