Friday, August 24, 2012

Elephant Sands, nr Nata,Botswana (16/8/12)

Left home at 04.30 and arrived here, after a grueling 953km haul, around 17.30.
En route: woke up before the crack of dawn wondering if Chas had a ZA sticker. Didn't - stopped at every garage, started building up to a panic. Last town before border (Baltimore!) garage owner suggested we use insulation tape. Duly accomplished (a very scruffy looking ZA!). At cafe, right next to border post, they had no end of the blasted stickers! All's well that end's well. Trip itself consisted of a dry, monotonous road,. Sightings of assorted eagles, steenbuck, warthog. Border post saw our tomatoes being impounded: fruit fly, you know! No mishaps at various vet gates. Assume foot and mouth is under some sort of control. As luck would have it, we have no impoundable meat, anyway! Just tomatoes!!

Nice place - elephant and kudu at the waterhole.

 Grub was good. Chalets are designed for heat: brick under thatch, mosquito netting at window openings (no glass), bathroom external wall made out of reed. Lighting, while generator is running.

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