Friday, May 10, 2013

Namibia, Divundu, Ngepi 9/5/13

Confusion over Namibian vs SA time this morning. Our intention was to stop at an MTC shop in Rundu to buy more data. Ended up in town at 7 ... just a tad too early! Pleasant trip through to Divundu. Hardly any traffic and nice rural habitats lining the road.
Bought MTC airtime vouchers at Divundu. Needed about $250 worth. They only had $10 vouchers available, so ... 25 vouchers later and much digit entering (20 digits per voucher!) we are now "alive" again albeit with a very weak signal.
Couldn't get onto the river sites at Ngepi so we're away from the river for Luis' fishing purposes but have lovely shady quiet sites

Showers and toilets are wonderfully Ngepi style. Love them.

Went on a boat cruise late afternoon. Highlight: a very good sighting of the rarely seen White Backed Night Heron.

African Darter on her nest

Angry dagga boy flirting with the boat

Sunset over the Kavango

Last sighting under very poor lighting conditions, a large herd of elephant rushing down to the water

Back at camp and a lovely shower surrounded by bush and under the night sky. Supper at the lodge - kudu meatballs in very tasty sauce over mashed potato, cinnamon gem and fresh salad. Very enjoyable. Sat around the lodge campfire talking to other guests well into the night.
R190 per night, R200 each for boat cruise.

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