Monday, May 6, 2013

Namibia, Etosha, Halali 6/5/13

Reunited with Johan & Sonja yesterday afternoon. Didn't go to the waterhole last night. All of us quite tired so had a couple of quiet drinks at camp. About 5 honey badgers roaming the campsite and creating havoc with dustbins. Very playful, suspect one of them is on heat.

Johan and I wandered around the camp to get these pics. We thought our dustbin was quite safe as it's hooked in a tree about a meter off the ground. (Said tree and dustbin very close to my bedroom window!) Later on, after we went to bed, the little beasties climbed the tree and jumped into the dustbin. Much banging and clanging later, as I was watching them out of the window, two went under the dustbin and levered it off the hook. Dustbin crashed down ... occupant badger went squealing off into the night! Remaining badgers rummaged, clanged and banged for at least an hour, crunching bones and hard plastic bottles to get to the hidden treasure inside!
Next thing there's an almost painful type squeaking/yelping and clicking. I thought one of them was injured but we are guessing that it was part of a mating ritual. They kept me up until about 2pm ... by then I was so hyped, I couldn't sleep. Up until gone 4! Those blasted little beasties aren't so cute anymore!!!!!
Out the gates at sunrise. Long drive with plenty of plains mammals, especially zebra. By sheer stroke of luck, we spotted a cheetah as she lifted her head. Had to wait quite a while for her to sit up and briefly pose

Followed 2 elephants for about a kilometer up the road! backside shots only!!!
On the way back to camp, once again, luck was with us and a lion briefly raised her head. A loooooooonnnnnng wait later, a female rose and strolled into deeper bush

Eventually 4 females and 1 male followed suit.

Two cubs stayed behind so we're guessing at least one more female stayed behind. They were well concealed. We initially thought there were only 2 lions lying in the grass.

Colourful lilac breasted roller posing

and ... flying into the photo frame, again!

Met Johan & Sonja back at camp and had a divine hamburger.

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