Monday, May 11, 2015

18 Halali Etosha 12/5/15

Spent a lovely couple of hours at the waterhole. Rhino mating ritual, 7 ellies, 2 hyena and a couple of jackal. Shortly after we left, apparently 6 lion came to drink.
Barny was screeching during the night and ellies trumpeting.
On morning drive we found 2 lactating lions with at least one cub. Hard to spot in the grass.
Another highlight was a blue crane; first we've seen in the wild.

Back at camp waterhole, plenty of ellies, black rhino, jackal and a brief sighting of a lioness. She was roaring frequently, answering roars could be heard from a distance. 
Sat around our campfire listening to lion, ellies, scops and barny. What a life!

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