Friday, May 22, 2015

26 Khutse 20/5/15

Set off with much trepidation, having been informed roads are terrible and deep, "impenetrable" sand. Hey, others have done it, so can we.
Had a brief sighting of a peregrine falcon but he flew off before we got a pic.
Did get a pic of this juvie black chested snake eagle

Were delayed for 2 hours trying to get cash. All the ATMs were offline, bank wouldn't advance cash against credit card as they were offline. Eventually, a shop owner allowed me to use their wifi, transfer money to their account in SA via EFT and give us the Pula equivalent.
A sad experience with a little tit babbler which was sucked into our intercooler. Luis spent ages removing feathers from the cooling system. That's a first.
The road here turned out to be, for the greater part a breeze. Tar until the last 100kms to Khutse entrance. That 100 consisted of 50kms @ 80kph; 30kms of bone rattling corrugation, 10kms of 70kph and the last 10 - deep sand!
Once we had paid our park fees, we still had 60kms to do to our campsite! Most of that was corrugation deluxe, the remainder: odd patches of sand and "highway".
We arrive at campsite as sun was setting.

Bought a load of wood at the gate. Brutus' load bay still usable and versatile!

Very secluded. Haven't seen much game. One and only mammal to date = 1 steenie. Still good to be away from noise and light pollution.

1 comment:

  1. Sửa chữa nhà Hà Thành xin cung cấp bảng báo giá chi tiết về dịch vụ sửa chữa nhà trọn gói thiết kế thi công cải tạo sửa chữa nhà, văn phòng, nhà xưởng:
    dịch vụ sửa chữa nhà hà nội
    công ty sửa nhà chuyên nghiệp
    bao gia sua nha
