Sunday, May 17, 2015

23 Erindi nr Windhoek 17/5/15

Spent a very cold night in bed listening to lion roar ... seems to be becoming the norm. Will have to have a cd playing at home just to lull us off to sleep. Maybe all these camping venues we've graced with our presence have mega speakers strategically placed in the bush to create the illusion of a lion on the move!
We did take a very long way down to the waterhole last night. 2 hippo grazing nearby. Coming back to camp was much shorter ... Helps when you know where you're going.
Those blasted, devious, little buggers (jackal) also stole our cooking oil and pepper! There should be a lot of thirsty, sneezy jackal around Okakoujoe!
Ok. After buying replacement oil and pepper, we found our pepper in the kettle - perfectly logical place to put it! So, no sneezy jackal just very glossy coated jackal!
Some pics from the waterhole. Counted 3 hippo but could be more.
Place got lovely and quiet after all the families with kids left. (Did I mention last night was very noisy?) I managed to get some nice pics of pied babbler, pytila, cristed bristed and groundscraper thrush but ... The highlight was the afternoon's game drive. All the usual suspects plus
and later, her 3 Cubs
Hard to beat but then ... along came an AARDVARK

During the afternoon we also came across this young rock Python
All in all, a wonderful experience

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