Friday, June 6, 2014

23-24 Bots/Nam Mata Mata, Kgalagadi 30/5/- 31/5/14

We bade farewell to our pony friends.

Crop shot of zebra with damaged nose.

Road to Mata Mata very scenic and, for the greater part, following the Auob River.

Set up camp at Mata Mata and generally loafed around. Made friends with all our neighbours - nice bunch.
Around the campsite

Early to bed.

Epiphany: cows do not sleep. Certainly not the bunch near camp ... Lowing all night long! Did manage to hear a few owl screeches between moos.
Awake at 4, had to wait for generator to kick in, coffee at 4:45.
Out the gates at 7
Distant Lion on ridge

Assorted pics.

Saw cheetah on the move - disappeared over a ridge.
Kgalagadi has sorted out our aircon .... Again!!!

Big herd of springbuck came pronking to the waterhole.

Sickle moon

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