Saturday, June 7, 2014

31 Bots/Nam, Red Sands, Kuruman 7/6/14

Effing cold again this morning. I even got cold in bed last night - that's a first. Forgot to mention yesterday that the beetles froze and fell out of the trees during the night. Under every tree were at least 10 little carapace carcasses. Also, our fridge is set to run at 2deg. It will go to 4 then the compressor will kick in to pull it back to set temp. It has NEVER gone below the setting. Yesterday it was sitting at 1!
Even last night it stayed at 2 with no increase through the night. There was no frost on our car though so guessing it was around -1 but with a mean and nasty wind.
An uneventful drive to here. Got a call from Glynn that one of our hot water pipes burst during the night - water everywhere!!! Their holiday home turned into a boot camp!
We opted to stay in a chalet tonight and eat at the lodge. Tired of being cold!
Chalets are nicely furnished and air conditioned!

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