Friday, June 6, 2014

29 Bots/Nam Nossob 5/6/14

My cell had adopted Nam time so I was really confused when I awoke at sunrise and the cell said it was 6am. From sunrise, however, I knew it had to be 7. The cold front is here and plenty of cloud cover. Does make for beautiful scenes, though.

First sighting was a pair of Bateleurs building their nest.

Each game reserve trip we have experienced has had its own prevalent sighting experience, be it jackal, cheetah, raptors, etc. This trip seems to be all about mice and rats. Two more for the collection (we saw loads, these were the two we stopped for).

Missed getting a photo of a pair of cheetah crossing the road and into the thick growth. Brief visual through windscreen.

Lanner Falcon

Pearl Spotted Owlet back at camp.

Just heard that lion made a kill (springbuck) at Mata Mata camp fence last night.

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