Friday, June 6, 2014

30 Bots/Nam Nossob 6/6/14

That cold front hit us with a vengeance. -5 deg at 6am. Single sequence lion roar at 4:30 followed by a chorus of jackal.
Sparkling frost on Brutus' bonnet and our chairs.

Took a call to switch out tonight's booking at Nossob to Twee Rivieren to lighten the travel load for the homeward stretch plus nothing much seems to be happening around Nossob. The journey started off with promise with a distant sighting of a scuffling honey badger.

From that point the grueling 160kms vehicle rattling trip began. Very tedious. Said tedium broken only by a Gymnogene (African Harrier Hawk) at a waterhole, a breakfast of bacon eggs at an unfenced picnic spot ...

... A Secretary bird in flight

... Two sated hyenas soaking up the sun's rays to thaw out the effects of -5 deg.

A few largish groups of Bat Eared Foxes, very skittish.

Haughty stare from a jackal

The roads around Nossob are badly eroded by the passage of time and many vehicles. The road is therefore, low and it is difficult to see much over the high grassy verge. The last 50km stretch was much better and yielded most of above pics.
It's now 6pm and very chilly. I am posting this while sitting in the car - warmest place.

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