Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kgalagadi-depart from Mata Mata - 23/2/13

Pleasant evening with pearl spotted and barking geckos as accompaniment to our dreams.
Departure day and the park threw some lovelies at us.
Wild Cat NOT in a tree

Plonking young springbuck enjoying the cool of morning

At Dalkeith we were greeted by this small pride

The one in the middle, a youngster, was full of mischief. Stalking to see whose rump he can bite

Ok, so not a rump ... A shoulder

The face of the bitten

Eventually, someone, in desperation, agreed to play

Next stop 14th where Mum cheetah has "captured" a young springbuck for her cubs to play with. This broke our hearts and we did not stay long but it is necessary for the youngsters to hone their hunting skills. Their survival will depend on it.

Very dry from that point on. Just before departure, this Giant (Verreaux) Eagle Owl hooted goodbye

Overnight stop at Red Sands, just outside Kuruman.
All good things come to an end. Until next time .....

Kgalagadi - Mata Mata - 22/2/13

Generator did not kick off last night.
Our first sighting of bat eared fox for this trip but lighting not good.
Cheetah appeared over the dunes and crossed really close

Loved this picture of the little canary at the waterhole

Trying to ID this falcon when he unexpectedly flew .... right into the "edge of the photo frame" - clearly I didn't expect him to go in that direction

Good to see a Lappet Faced Vulture - certainly not plentiful

Bat Eared Fox were out in full swing this morning (appears to be all or nothing scenario), but these guys gave us the best and closest pose

Martial Eagle playing ball with the lighting

So, today is clearly funny flight shot day. This bee eater also went in a completely unexpected direction!

Fiscal Shrike (western variety - has the white brow). I like the background

Finally, a wild cat prepared to open her eyes when the lighting is good! We've seen about 6 of these but they don't normally pose - typical cat!

Tawny Eagle getting very hot and bothered. Waiting for his turn at the waterhole. (Occupied by Gemsbok and Jackal at time of shooting).

Bonus shot - Southern White Faced Owl!

All in all, a very satisfactory morning's viewing.
Normal swimming/lazy afternoon. Once dark, Luis came up tops again by stumbling into a squirrel hole and ending up on his hands and knees. Again, no damage. Good giggle.

Kgalagadi - Mata Mata - 21/2/13

Restful, cool night. Had another sighting of wild cat but this one was more concealed in her tree den.

Ah, one giant, early morning leap of faith

I cannot even begin to imagine the story behind this picture (captions welcome!)

Lucky sighting of the extremely elusive caracul

Back at 14th waterhole and two sets of cheetah are there again. 2 adults with kill

Mum and her 3 cubs were in roughly the same spot as yesterday but had no kill when we left them. She is probably waiting for a herd of unsuspecting springbok to make their way to the water.
Back at camp. Swimming pool. Luis reading all about our battery charger - leaning on our adjustable table which collapsed. Nothing hurt but his pride. Really funny moment!
Evenings slightly cooler - nice.

Kgalagadi - Mata Mata - 20/2/13

Quiet night, animal wise. Lovely cool wind blowing - climbed under the duvet for the first time in yonks.
Early morning bonus with African Wild Cat

 Craig Lockhart waterhole appeared to be dry. Witnessed in excess of 12 jackal hanging around there. Maybe the water starts pumping once the sun hits the solar panels.

At 14th waterhole, we witnessed a cheetah kill

Quite far away so not the best shot. In this one, I missed the buck

Fortunately for the cheetah, she didn't!

She dragged her prey to the nearest spot of shade then called for her 3 young cubs to come. Wind was blowing against her so they could not hear. After about 10 minutes of repeated calling, she left her kill to go and summon them

A further 10 minutes and happily united, they returned

Cubs had walked sedately until this point. They may have sensed or smelled the nearby kill, but all broke into playful leaps, chases, hops and skips.

On trip back at same waterhole stretch, we came across a lone cheetah. Obviously cheetah territory.
A black breasted snake eagle wheeling in the wind

Mum and junior Hartebees took a pause in their wandering to pose

A crimson breasted shrike, elusive and secretive despite gorgeous striking colour, played peek-a-boo, flirting with the camera.

Back at camp, swam and lazed the day away. Luis made potjie bread (beer and self raising flour - best attempt to date. Delicious!

Kgalagadi - Mata Mata - 19/2/13

Woke to lion serenade. On the road at 6pm. Male lion at Rooikop. Honey badger at Marie se Draai

Lighting was poor due to dense cloud cover and time of day but what a pleasure. A jackal and a Pale Chanting kept him company. All part of their symbiotic relationship.

A lioness posing next to the road (could have touched her) at Cheleka. Initially she was totally inert but heat got the better of her and she moved.

Over the dune road, for the greater part not too bad. Corrugation evident in small areas.
We suspect a pale chanting was dive bombing this Southern White Quill. In his haste to escape he flew into the side of our car. No injury and hardly broke his stride ... Then off into the wide blue yonder

Onto Mata Mata road .... badly corrugated. Cheetah Mum and her three cubs at Dertiende Waterhole. Have photos but they were quite far and in the shade of trees.
Nice to see the giraffe have settled in and seem to be thriving

Juvenile Gabar Goshawk (we think) at Fourteenth Waterhole

Have found a shady spot at the campsite - near the pool!
Solitary young male lion came to waterhole early evening.

Kgalagadi - Nossob - 18/2/13

Choral lion last night with barking geckos providing percussion and jackal providing soprano.
Back at Cubitjie Quap where the Lanner was active again.

On the way back to camp came across the same two
Spotted Eagle Owl. Better positioned for photo this morning.

Have not yet mentioned, as did not want to tempt fate, that the roads are in much better condition ... thus far. Not sure what Mata Mata will bring.
Today is pleasantly overcast - welcome relief from baking hot sun.
Spent rest of day cooling off in pool, taking a snapshot of a pearl spotted

and watching springbuck playing in the early evening at the waterhole.
Light sprinkle of rain which drove the mongoose to their den. Squirrels, however, seemed to love it and began frolicking around, demonstrating magnificent judo skills