Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kgalagadi - Nossob - 17/2/13

No choruses during the night apart from jackal. Up at crack of dawn and out to Cubitjie Quap for coffee. Two spotted eagle owl en route but not much else. Falcon has now been confirmed as Lanner.

Gemsbok and jackal hanging around. Went up to Kwang but nothing there. Back to camp.
Have had a confirmed (by ranger) explanation for the desiccated Eland carcasses mentioned on 15/2/13: Apparently last season had good rains and a massive herd of eland (6 000 to 10 000 strong) migrated down from Botswana. They arrived utterly exhausted and were easy picking for the lion. So many that the lion were eating liver and heart and moving on to next prey leaving the spoils largely untouched.
Another bit of info: the reason the Kgalagadi lions have such magnificent large manes is due to the lack of bush for the manes to snag on. Also, the alpha male proudly bears the largest, blackest mane. Once deposed, his mane will revert to a less magnificent version.
Spent a restful day. Napping & swimming. Discovered a new (for me) way to keep cool: Soak my sarong (thickish linen) then drape over me. Keeps sun off as well. Only problem is, from time to time I feel a gentle tugging and it's the squirrels munching on the moist tassels (of the sarong!!!).
Lovely surprise at the waterhole around 7pm - mating pair of lion


Much later there was a scavenging jackal in the camp. That is the evening norm but this guy was jauntily trotting around proudly bearing a 2l flask in his mouth! Never did find out who the flask belonged to.

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