Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kgalagadi - Nossob - 16/2/13

Awoke at 5 to a magnificent lion chorus. Think I need to get a decent recording to use as an alarm - what a pleasure. No sign of them once on the road, though. Lovely sunrise. Nice and cool but coolness will be short lived!

Ubiquitous Jackal posing for us

Had some fun sightings at the Cubitjie Quap waterhole (Botswana side). A falcon (Peregrine or Lanner - couldn't get a clear visual) was after a nice plump sandgrouse for breakfast. Was not successful and moved on. I couldn't get a decent shot of him but did get some flight school pics

On way back to camp for breakfast, a "Gymnogene" made a guest appearance

Hot day spent lounging in the swimming pool. Watched clouds gathering throughout the afternoon. Never came to much - a light sprinkling that didn't wet anything. Down at the hide from about 7 pm. Awesome to hear the barking geckos starting their chorus. A load of bats flew out of the hide just above our heads. In bed by 8.30

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