Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kgalagadi - Nossob - 18/2/13

Choral lion last night with barking geckos providing percussion and jackal providing soprano.
Back at Cubitjie Quap where the Lanner was active again.

On the way back to camp came across the same two
Spotted Eagle Owl. Better positioned for photo this morning.

Have not yet mentioned, as did not want to tempt fate, that the roads are in much better condition ... thus far. Not sure what Mata Mata will bring.
Today is pleasantly overcast - welcome relief from baking hot sun.
Spent rest of day cooling off in pool, taking a snapshot of a pearl spotted

and watching springbuck playing in the early evening at the waterhole.
Light sprinkle of rain which drove the mongoose to their den. Squirrels, however, seemed to love it and began frolicking around, demonstrating magnificent judo skills

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