Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kgalagadi - Mata Mata - 20/2/13

Quiet night, animal wise. Lovely cool wind blowing - climbed under the duvet for the first time in yonks.
Early morning bonus with African Wild Cat

 Craig Lockhart waterhole appeared to be dry. Witnessed in excess of 12 jackal hanging around there. Maybe the water starts pumping once the sun hits the solar panels.

At 14th waterhole, we witnessed a cheetah kill

Quite far away so not the best shot. In this one, I missed the buck

Fortunately for the cheetah, she didn't!

She dragged her prey to the nearest spot of shade then called for her 3 young cubs to come. Wind was blowing against her so they could not hear. After about 10 minutes of repeated calling, she left her kill to go and summon them

A further 10 minutes and happily united, they returned

Cubs had walked sedately until this point. They may have sensed or smelled the nearby kill, but all broke into playful leaps, chases, hops and skips.

On trip back at same waterhole stretch, we came across a lone cheetah. Obviously cheetah territory.
A black breasted snake eagle wheeling in the wind

Mum and junior Hartebees took a pause in their wandering to pose

A crimson breasted shrike, elusive and secretive despite gorgeous striking colour, played peek-a-boo, flirting with the camera.

Back at camp, swam and lazed the day away. Luis made potjie bread (beer and self raising flour - best attempt to date. Delicious!

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