Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kgalagadi - Mata Mata - 19/2/13

Woke to lion serenade. On the road at 6pm. Male lion at Rooikop. Honey badger at Marie se Draai

Lighting was poor due to dense cloud cover and time of day but what a pleasure. A jackal and a Pale Chanting kept him company. All part of their symbiotic relationship.

A lioness posing next to the road (could have touched her) at Cheleka. Initially she was totally inert but heat got the better of her and she moved.

Over the dune road, for the greater part not too bad. Corrugation evident in small areas.
We suspect a pale chanting was dive bombing this Southern White Quill. In his haste to escape he flew into the side of our car. No injury and hardly broke his stride ... Then off into the wide blue yonder

Onto Mata Mata road .... badly corrugated. Cheetah Mum and her three cubs at Dertiende Waterhole. Have photos but they were quite far and in the shade of trees.
Nice to see the giraffe have settled in and seem to be thriving

Juvenile Gabar Goshawk (we think) at Fourteenth Waterhole

Have found a shady spot at the campsite - near the pool!
Solitary young male lion came to waterhole early evening.

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