Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kgalagadi - Nossob - 15/2/13

Left home yesterday. Long haul made longer by a temperamental Garmin (maps appear to be corrupted and kept losing satellite reception), together with many, many, many stop/go roadwork detours.
Nearly picked up a R500 speeding fine but a R100 contribution to the widows and orphans fund left everyone relatively happy!
Eventually got to Molopo (70 kms outside Kgalagadi) around 7ish. Pleasant enough evening spent there. Extremely hot but that will be the anthem of this trip, I fear.
The trip from TweeRivieren was long and dusty. Despite being in the rainy season, I'm guessing they haven't had much rain. Very dry. Evidence of quite a few desiccated antelope carcasses relatively untouched by predators - starvation?
Had a few highlights en route to Nossob: Mother cheetah and young cub; jackal (common sighting here but always enjoy); Giant Eagle Owl and Martial Eagle.

A large number of pale chanting goshawks were to be seen (always photogenic).

Took a walk to the waterhole - not far but hectic in the heat of the full sun. Secretary birds growling at each other in territorial warfare over the water. This is the victor

A very overheated me eventually retired to bed at around 8ish. Lion & Jackal serenaded us through the night.

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