Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Australia 2019 25/4 - 28/4

Menfolk off to beach to fish.

Ben caught a beauty, think it's a bream.

Afternoon spent at Anzac Memorial in Eden (very solemn and mournful), trip to wharf and harbour, look out point over Twofold Harbour.

All lovely.

Gave the booze a good tonk in the evening with Spotify and JBL speaker helping us along.  Good fun.

Spent the day with a last fishing attempt (unsuccessful), packing up and generally getting despondent. Weather turned bitterly cold from the early evening onwards.

Travelled back via the more scenic coastal road. Very pretty.  Takes about 30 minutes longer but so worth it.

Subdued evening with us preparing for the flight home.

Unpleasant flight home - tired but unable to sleep, restless leg syndrome.
Sad to have left Oz but glad to be home.

A friend who has just returned from NZ mentioned his nasty experience with sandflies (more accurately known as Biting Midges) - those were the blighters that were chowing us alive at Eden. Julian's coils certainly did the trick.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Australia 2019 23/4 - 24/4 Wednesday

Menfolk off fishing. Womenfolk off stocking up groceries, et al.
Late afternoon, menfolk and Dom back at fishing.
Jay caught an Amberjack approx 4 - 5kgs. Not the best eating fish but yielded some nice white meat - apparently the outer edges, brownish in colour, tasted very muddy.

While they were gone, I partook of cheese and biscuits with Julian, Jenny and Jayden (neighbours). Fell in love with fig and almond biscuits accompanied by brie.

We had prawns (pre-cooked at $25 per kg). Aforementioned neighbours, with whom we have established a nice friendship, had mussels and oysters. We traded tasties among us and had an awesome seafood supper.
Musells with garlic bread, oyster omelette, prawns, Qinoa rice and fresh veg. Mmmmm.

A Bilby came to visit us. I did not get a picture (will try again in subsequent evenings),  so this pic is compliments of the Save the Bilby site

He is listed as vulnerable. Rangers are working to protect breeding sites. Rather a cutey pie. Given that the rabbit in Australia is a pest, quite a few people now use the Bilby as the iconic Easter Bunny. Just as well Julian was with us for the sighting as we wouldn't have had a clue what we were looking at.


Bade a fond farewell to our newfound friends.

Have exchanged numbers and facebook credentials so we'll stay in touch.

Rest of our peeps have gone on the Ben Boyd Park 5 km walk. Very envious but my back is taking strain.

Managed to get a shot of the Royal Spoonbill

Witnessed a Kookaburra catch and eat a small fish. Not a common occurrence as they are mostly carrion eaters. Obviously, an opportunity presented itself.

Ben Boyd walk:

Barmouth (Bay area within Ben Boyd overlooking Pambula)


Based on size and habitat, we assume this is a Wallaby

Toodled off to Ben Boyd beach area. Jay caught a Tailor.

Dom captured a lovely shot of the sunset.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Australia 2019 22/4 Monday

Today was Cockatoo pose day:

Haven't posted a shot of the Green Rig yet (Swag of to left)

Took at drive to Merimbula and Pembula today. Blazed a trail on an interesting dirt road through Ben Boyd National Park.

Pembula Beach

Had a bite to eat on the wharf at Pembula.

Merimbula Beach.

Of the two towns, I preferred Merimbula. Much less commercialised and still retaining quaint village.
The roos roam through the village

Bought boys bigger rods. I got my jacket thingy from the Hippy Store.

Fishing in afternoon. (Tried sea and lake) No Luck.
Cold evening. Off to bed with sleeping tablet - slept like the dead for 4 hours!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Australia 2019 21/4 Sunday

Kids searched and found their Easter Bunny Treats.
Kookaburra made their first appearance in this area (have missed their cackling calls).

All of us went for a walk on the boardwalk around the lake.  Yielded some lovely surprises.

Australasian Swamphen


Chestnut Teal

 Hot Cross Bun Jelly Fish
 Magpie Lark

The 2 highlights were flying foxes and roos. 
Grey Headed Flying Fox

There must have been thousands of them roosting in the trees. Below pic is one tree. Multiply that by at least 200 trees.


Some general shots

Domi decided to go for a widdle while on the walk. Just as she finished, some joggers appeared. Dom jumped up and pulled up her shorts leaving her undies trailing around her knees. Much laughter from all including the joggers!

Luis is the Master Caster; Jay retains his title of Master Baiter (although Luis is a close second) and Dom is Master Baker. (I'm Master Relaxer). 
Jay caught a sting ray which caused Ben to panic and start crying (think he remember the tragic Steve Irwin story).

Cooked Zac's fish tonight. Yummy.

Some idiot was firing off huge thumping sky rockets. Frightened the living daylights out of all of us. Not a good night for sleeping.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Australia 2019 20/4 Saturday

What a beaut of a day. Sadly, we have to do washing and shopping but still get some good beach/walk time in. So much to do .... so little time.  Forgot to mention: Jay picked up a nice size salmon yesterday afternoon.

Managed to get the Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo

Our beautiful day turned somewhat cool at around 3ish.
Washing done. Shopping done with infamous Aldi bags.  (Did I mention that Jay is passionate about Aldi and their specials!!).  Hot dogs with freakin' hot mustard for lunch. All our sinus are now clear!!!!
Had a distant viewing of a lot of lounging kangaroos on the golf course, all in the shade. 

Luis caught his first fish (small salmon).
Restful eveninng