Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Australia 2019 14/4 - 16/4

14/4:  Had a lazy day. Did not even go for a walk! Did go into town - very pretty. Styled as an open air mall. Bought some clothes at BigW. Very cheap for fair quality clothing - cheaper than SA.Hungry Jack Hamburgers for sups, Jalapeno style. Mmmmm. Reasonably priced (by Oz standards) too - 6 meals - AUD48. Find food prices here quite exorbitant.

Day started off nicely with a good sighting of the elusive whipbird (Eastern).

 Eastern Whipbird

Eastern Whipbird

Their call is distinct, like a whip crack but they are very secretive, hanging around in the underbrush and well camoflauged.

Followed by a sighting of a Nankeen Kestrel flying low

Nankeen Kestrel

Then drama, poor old Izzy stood on a bee and was stung in the pad of her paw. The wee mite couldn't walk so Luis had to carry her (13kgs) ... uphill.
We applied an ice-pack and gave her a small dose of Telfast. Will keep an eye on her.
She slept well and seems to have made a full recovery as of the evening.

Quiet evening watching, of all things, Dancing with the Stars, Oz style.

16/4:  Day spent largely cleaning and prepping for big trek to Eden tomorrow. Stocked up on grub and booze, washing up to date, etc.

Relaxing evening.

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