Thursday, April 18, 2019

Australia 2019 17/4 Wednesday

Awesome sunrise over Kellyville this morning

Pleasant drive.
1st stop at Braised Pork Cafe.  Loo break and bacon & egg roll on the go.

Vegetation constantly changing: 
Gum trees, Harrismith like flat, dry areas then, after Cooma an awesome, steep, winding, descent (10kms) with huge gum trees and giant tree ferns into a pastural village, Bemboka (in the valley).

Arrived at Eden at 2:30pm. Nice trip.
Resort quite pleasant. We have own en suite bathroom.
Rest of day spent organising site, etc.
Boys love their swag tent (actually, so do we)

Some different birds here.

A few other pics taken but reasonably sure I'll get better shots in sunlight.
A very windy and coldish evening. A few drinks and off to bed.

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