Monday, April 22, 2019

Australia 2019 21/4 Sunday

Kids searched and found their Easter Bunny Treats.
Kookaburra made their first appearance in this area (have missed their cackling calls).

All of us went for a walk on the boardwalk around the lake.  Yielded some lovely surprises.

Australasian Swamphen


Chestnut Teal

 Hot Cross Bun Jelly Fish
 Magpie Lark

The 2 highlights were flying foxes and roos. 
Grey Headed Flying Fox

There must have been thousands of them roosting in the trees. Below pic is one tree. Multiply that by at least 200 trees.


Some general shots

Domi decided to go for a widdle while on the walk. Just as she finished, some joggers appeared. Dom jumped up and pulled up her shorts leaving her undies trailing around her knees. Much laughter from all including the joggers!

Luis is the Master Caster; Jay retains his title of Master Baiter (although Luis is a close second) and Dom is Master Baker. (I'm Master Relaxer). 
Jay caught a sting ray which caused Ben to panic and start crying (think he remember the tragic Steve Irwin story).

Cooked Zac's fish tonight. Yummy.

Some idiot was firing off huge thumping sky rockets. Frightened the living daylights out of all of us. Not a good night for sleeping.

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