Thursday, April 25, 2019

Australia 2019 23/4 - 24/4 Wednesday

Menfolk off fishing. Womenfolk off stocking up groceries, et al.
Late afternoon, menfolk and Dom back at fishing.
Jay caught an Amberjack approx 4 - 5kgs. Not the best eating fish but yielded some nice white meat - apparently the outer edges, brownish in colour, tasted very muddy.

While they were gone, I partook of cheese and biscuits with Julian, Jenny and Jayden (neighbours). Fell in love with fig and almond biscuits accompanied by brie.

We had prawns (pre-cooked at $25 per kg). Aforementioned neighbours, with whom we have established a nice friendship, had mussels and oysters. We traded tasties among us and had an awesome seafood supper.
Musells with garlic bread, oyster omelette, prawns, Qinoa rice and fresh veg. Mmmmm.

A Bilby came to visit us. I did not get a picture (will try again in subsequent evenings),  so this pic is compliments of the Save the Bilby site

He is listed as vulnerable. Rangers are working to protect breeding sites. Rather a cutey pie. Given that the rabbit in Australia is a pest, quite a few people now use the Bilby as the iconic Easter Bunny. Just as well Julian was with us for the sighting as we wouldn't have had a clue what we were looking at.


Bade a fond farewell to our newfound friends.

Have exchanged numbers and facebook credentials so we'll stay in touch.

Rest of our peeps have gone on the Ben Boyd Park 5 km walk. Very envious but my back is taking strain.

Managed to get a shot of the Royal Spoonbill

Witnessed a Kookaburra catch and eat a small fish. Not a common occurrence as they are mostly carrion eaters. Obviously, an opportunity presented itself.

Ben Boyd walk:

Barmouth (Bay area within Ben Boyd overlooking Pambula)


Based on size and habitat, we assume this is a Wallaby

Toodled off to Ben Boyd beach area. Jay caught a Tailor.

Dom captured a lovely shot of the sunset.

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