Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Australia 2019 25/4 - 28/4

Menfolk off to beach to fish.

Ben caught a beauty, think it's a bream.

Afternoon spent at Anzac Memorial in Eden (very solemn and mournful), trip to wharf and harbour, look out point over Twofold Harbour.

All lovely.

Gave the booze a good tonk in the evening with Spotify and JBL speaker helping us along.  Good fun.

Spent the day with a last fishing attempt (unsuccessful), packing up and generally getting despondent. Weather turned bitterly cold from the early evening onwards.

Travelled back via the more scenic coastal road. Very pretty.  Takes about 30 minutes longer but so worth it.

Subdued evening with us preparing for the flight home.

Unpleasant flight home - tired but unable to sleep, restless leg syndrome.
Sad to have left Oz but glad to be home.

A friend who has just returned from NZ mentioned his nasty experience with sandflies (more accurately known as Biting Midges) - those were the blighters that were chowing us alive at Eden. Julian's coils certainly did the trick.

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