Friday, April 12, 2019

Australia 2019 11/4 Thursday

Dom and Jay both had to leave for work early this morning. We were in charge of getting kids ready to ride to school. Ben woke up poorly. At first thought it was an excuse not to ride but he ended up vomiting so kept him home.  Fortunately, he started feeling better in the afternoon.
Very cool (borderline cold) today.
The morning's meander presented some photo opportunities but overcast so lighting a bit poor.
One of the largest kingfishers. Smaller birds dive bomb if he gets too close.

Crested Pigeon
Dusky Moorhen
Marginally better shot of the NewHolland Honeyeater
From a distance, I thought this was a dead parrot. Closer inspection reveals a beautiful flower. I've named it "Parrot Feather Flower"
Rainbow Lorikeet. Fascinating bird.

Had a crazy game of Pictionary with the kids. They did really well. After the first game, the kids moved off to watch telly so the adults had a go using the adult cards. Oh my word, we did better with the kids cards. In desperation and to finish the game which was taking forever, we opted to go with the kids cards. Still a battle (think the alcohol had kicked in) but we got there!

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