Monday, May 19, 2014

11 Bots/Nam Drotsky's 18/5/14

Woke to duet of wood owls, boubou, robin et al. Peaceful, then all hell broke loose: monkeys arrived, grabbed the lid off the potjie for remains of last night's supper, Johan chasing them with empty water bottles, then fish net. Next thing, Anthony joined the fray with his taser. Very entertaining. Once men had left the camp to go fishing, us girls let the monkeys forage peacefully. They quickly moved on once they realised there were no pickings left ...
Guys fished from 8 'till 12. Anthony caught 4, biggest 4kg; Johan 1, 2.5kg and Luis 1, 3.5kg. Luis and Johan also lost a beeeeeg one.

The happy fishermen return

The Greater Spotted Homo Sapiens in natural habitat

Giant Kingfisher

Uneventful evening, putting the world to rights around the campfire.

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