Monday, May 12, 2014

4 Bots/Nam Namwi Island, Katima Mullilo 11/5/14

Early this morning a chorus of lion, hyena (giggling and whooping), jackal, pearl spotted, Scops and night jars. Heaven, I'm in heaven. As dawn broke, my favourite Spooky joined the chorus.
Very quiet at the waterhole. The kite and fish eagle were the only obvious occupants. This shot of the eagle is blurred but I like the freshness evident in the growth.

Bade a fond farewell to Senyati. Pleasant and short journey to next destination. Chobe Express yielded a posing tawny.

Lovely friendly and quick border crossing. In the road just before entrance to Namwi Island was a newish born calf. Umbilical chord still hanging and very wobbly legs but Mum had cleaned her up beautifully for her photo

Namwi remains an oasis ...

(Mutt and Jeff rearranging their fishing platform!)
Evening much warmer that Senyati. Guys fished with little success despite busy tiger activity evident in the river.
Wood owl greeting us but remaining well concealed.
Late to bed.

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