Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kalahari Anib Lodge, nr Mariental 10/10/11 (Day 36)

Had a lovely meal last night. Luis had prawns, they were huge, pink and firm. I had crumbed chicken breast with a pineapple sauce. Yum! Luis had his promised bottle of wine, a Meerkat Pinotage! Whole bill, with tip, was R260 - excellent value. We spotted a small herd of Nyala on the walk to the restaurant. Also, a stunning sunset over the lake - needless to say we did not have any cameras with us.

Had a couple of common waxbills pop in to scoff some bread:

A yellow billed duck gracing us with his presence

Anib has a baby Zebra (4 mnths), orphaned at birth - her best pal is a male sheep and a warthog.

It's a lovely place so reminiscent of Kgalagadi which is about 350kms away. Red dunes, creamy grasses, stunted thorn trees.

We had a Bokmakierie hanging around our campsite with his tuneful, piercing whistle.

There were 100's of these little butterflies gracefully alighting on the large flowers of the Black Thorn

The Bokkies were bucking

Ostrich eggs are phenomenally strong and much heavier than we expected

Luis doing his wifely (ostrich) duties:

Had a four course meal at the lodge, scrumptious. Kitchen staff did their dance & song routine - very entertaining.

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