Thursday, October 13, 2011

Norotshama 13/10/11 (Day 39)

Wow, that was one hot, uncomfortable night! We went to bed at 21:00, temperature was 38 deg. Just before dawn it had dropped to 21 deg. We still managed to sleep, though.
As suspected, the lighting is still too harsh by the time it hits the mountains.
Our campsite is under a large, shady tree. It would appear to be the favourite tree for a variety of small birds to raise their young. There is a constant bleating from the little ones begging for food. Spadgies, White Eyes, Bulbuls, Robins .... They all have their say.
A flock of swifts paid us a visit going after the 'orrible, biting, black flies. They don't call them "swifts" for nothing. After 100 attempts, I managed to capture 2 workable shots!

No mean feat!
Another hot day. I spent mine in the pub (beautifully air-conditioned); Luis spent his fishing - caught 7 yellows.
At about 15:00 the wind blows up a storm. It's hectic but should die down again around 19:00. We have no meals left so will be eating at the lodge tonight. It was planned that way in order that we would have no cross border meat! (Having lost our meat twice, we weren't going to risk it again!!!)

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