Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pudu Game Lodge, nr Olifantshoek 18/10/11 (Day 44)

The drive from Mata Mata to Twee Rivieren is 120kms on hellishly corrugated roads. It took us 4.5 hours. We had a lovely sighting of a Bat Eared Fox, Cape Fox and pup.

Other than that it was quite quiet.
The intention was to stop for provisions in Upington and then find a campsite just outside the town. The wheels fell off. Firstly we bypassed Upington and did not want to back track into the town centre. So .... no meat! New plan, stop at a lodge just outside Upington and avail ourselves of their dining facilities. Guess what, no lodge, just campsites! Next plan - just drive until we find a lodge..... 150kms later, we pulled into the dump known as Olifantshoek ... First lodge in town (Mala Lodge) - what a dive!!!! Just outside O'hoek a signboard saying "Pudu Game Lodge 15.5 kms" and here we are.
What a gem of a place! Campsite is beautiful but quite a way from the lodge where grub is served so we opted to stay in one of their chalets.
The decor is amazing - so simple but so effective. Natural rock is incorporated in the construction.

The couple who manage this place, Yvonne & Lawrence, are friendly & entertaining. We had a lovely meal and spent more time than planned at the bar!
A group of 15 Portuguese tourists arrived - limited English - Luis to the rescue! Yvonne ran around preparing a late meal for them, then joined us at the bar. We watched the group constantly getting up to replenish their plates and Yvonne was worried that there wouldn't be enough grub but pleased that they were enjoying the impromptu meal. After about an hour she noticed that they only had side plates - she'd forgotten to put the dinner plates out!

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