Saturday, October 15, 2011

Twee Rivieren 15/10/11 (Day 41)

Pleasant evening, nice & cool - slept well! Springbok were prancing around again. And this strange looking little fella appears to be a "black" (?) springbok:

Once again, the local birdlife soon got acquainted with our bread.
Baby Whitebrowed Sparrow Weaver bleating "feed me, feed me!"

Once at Kgalagadi, we earmarked out site and went out for a drive - bit silly as it was very hot by that time, but you never know.
We have a suspicion that this heron may have been blown off course by the strong winds that have prevailed. Why else would a water bird be in an arid area?

These Secretary Birds were having a territorial dispute at the waterhole:

At Kij Kij waterhole a pride of very sated lions were snoozing. We counted 4 males and 1 female who may have been pregnant. Reasonably sure that there would be more lurking around in the shadows.
Cats obviously do not like getting their feet wet!

Luis getting up to his arty shots again, with some degree of success, I may add!

Posting blog early tonight as not sure how long signal will be with us.

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