Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mata Mata 16 & 17/10/11 (Day 42 & 43)

Took us 7 hours to complete 120 kms from Twee Rivieren to Mata Mata!
Usual suspects along the way including jackal and cheetah but had a couple of unusual sightings. First up was Cape Fox with young (actually had two separate sightings of Cape Fox, both with young):

Meerkat Manor ( not that unusual but often don't see them!)

Extra special highlight as there a only a few recorded sightings of the Barn Owl in this area:

Today was owl day. Spotted Eagle Owl sitting on two chicks:

Went round the other side of the tree and one of the chicks popped his head up to see what all the noise was about:

Luis getting arty again - pic of reflection in window. I call it "Withering Heights":

Lovely mild evening.

Bit of a dry run this morning (cat wise). There appears to be less Gemsbok than normal but I suppose they could be lurking over the dunes.
Magnificent creatures.

Mum and chicks were out in the open warming up after a fresh morning.

A lot of breeding vultures, black shouldered kites and tawnies.

Proof that the Kgalagadi roads are hectic! This Xplorer, an off road RV, sheered an axle:

I've been telling Luis not to waste his time taking pics of the wildebeest as their eyes are always shielded which makes the pics boring. Luis had to prove me wrong (correctly) and hence we have A GNU WITH A GLINT!

Back at camp, a wind blew up creating sandstorms of note. Very unpleasant - I shut myself in the rad with everything zipped up & read a book. Luis managed to get this shot from inside the car:

It lasted about 6 hours before it finally blew itself out! After that the evening was most pleasant.

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