Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mile 4 Swakopmund 5/10/11 (Day 31)

A cold (but pleasantly warm in The Rad) evening spent at Henties.
Arrived at Mile 4, on the outskirts of Swakopmund. Quite a long walk for Luis to the beach to fish as, although the campsite is "on the beach", there's a security fence so he has to walk inland to the security gate and then circumnavigate the fence. Probably a good 500m. Have only booked in for 2 nights, so we'll see how it goes.
We have our own 'blute, braai courtyard, paved, shady area (carport), so, quite nice!

Luis has quite a walk to get to the sea - more than I initially estimated. This view is from our site; he has to walk this distance away from the sea to the gate, then about 500m to end of security fence and, finally, head towards the sea. He'll be fit!

His first fishing attempt did not even yield a bite! He did have seals keeping him company.
We have a pair of spadgies nesting in the roof of the carport. They obviously have young as they disappear in there frequently with grub in their beaks. From the vantage point of The Rad's upper windows we look down onto them, two feet away and they can't see us - very special. They love our bread!

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