Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 22 (Hobas, Fish River Canyon)

Left the white, flowing dunes of Luderitz behind. Soft white sand swirls like ghosts across the tar - pretty. Have noticed, throughout the trip, the odd little cairns, clearly built by man, at the side of the road.  I suspect some of these are memorials to some dear departed soul but others seem to denote places of interest which I'm guessing the tour operators use.  On the West Coast, they seemed to denote "off the map" fishing spots, judging by the tyre tread marks near each one.
Fish River Canyon is spectacular.  Once again, the sun chose to disappear on our "scenic day" - typical!

I'm not going to even attempt to describe it - it's awesome!!!  ('Nuff said!)
Hobas camp site is the prettiest we've stayed at thus far - a little oasis in an arid wasteland.  Bird life prolific as there are big shady trees around the camp.  Up on the canyon lookout point, everything appears lifeless.  Then, slight movement catches your eye and you see 2 sandgrouse playing hide and seek - just further over are 2 Dik Dik daintily picking their way through the rocks and boulders.  How do all these amazing creatures survive?

Have about 10km to go to the Noordoewer Border Post, then the Nam leg of our journey ends and hopefully, the flower session starts. I must say, it feels good to be on tar again don't think I want to drive on another dirt road for a long time!  Having said that, the roads have been, for the most, good.  Couple of memorable bad stretches, but ..... who's complaining?
I am frantically posting this in order to use up as much MTC data as possible.  Must mention that their coverage has been phenomenal - very few areas where no coverage available.  (Hobas was one of them). 

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