Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 24 (Augrabies and last blog for this trip)

Ah well - all good things come to an end.  From the minute we left Nam it felt like the holiday was over and ahead loomed a looooong trip home.  Anyway, ended up in Augrabies as an overnighter to break the journey.  Augrabies is renowned for it's Klipspringer (apart from the falls, of course!).  We drove around the entire game section and eventually came upon this solitary female (nearly missed her - she was right next to the road!).

We also had our first (believe it or not!) sighting of monkeys.  Most unusual. They didn't even visit us in the camp (or any of the other camps we have stayed in either).  Lots of little happy Dassies hanging around.

Left Augrabies with the intention of overnighting around Kuruman.  Must mention at this point that a cold front started, oh, probably about 4 days ago - we are now following it and everywhere we stop it is windy and chilly.  We eventually pulled in to the caravan park at Kuruman, got out the car to go to the office and it was bitter!!!  Decided enough is enough and proceeded home.
We traversed a total of  8 227 kms in 24 days - an awesome trip.  Lasting impressions of Nam:  Arid wilderness, no litter, very little traffic, friendly people and general good level of education.
Highlight:  ETOSHA.

Today, Luis spent the entire day cleaning out our mobile office.  It sports:  hot coffee, good lighting, reclining seats, climate control, 12v/220v power supply, GPS, network communication both Nam and SA and cruises comfortably at 120kms for a minimum of 1500kms without stopping!  Well done Brutus and the Rad!  (and, of course, our driver, Mr Luis, who drove the entire 8 227kms apart from the 10 meter stretch I did at "Leopard Gate".  Total diesel cost:  R7 473; Total diesel used:  940l;  Accommodation cost:  R7 320 (this figure includes conservation fees at the various National  Reserves that we stayed in).  Total all in cost (including repairs to Aircon and network data bundle, etc):  R16 585  (Food excluded as that would have been consumed at home, in any event).

We look forward to sharing our next adventure with you.

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