Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 23 (Springbok and back in SA!)

 Passed a lot of bikers going towards Fish River Canyon this morning.  Brave souls. 
Luis decided to drive off into the great blue yonder - left me at the side of the road (with camera)

Fortunately for both of us (I think?), he decided to come back for me!

 PS.  While I was taking the above pics the aforementioned bikers were riding past - must have thought we were nuts!  Not long after this, we reached the tar road (relief) - it stretched on and on for miles.

Ah well, the Nam side is now officially at an end (sadly, although it is good to be back in the land).
Noordoewer border was a breeze - very friendly officials on both sides.  Below pic was taken in No Man's Land overlooking the Orange River.

Already the vegetation is starting to look a lot less arid despite the fact that we do not appear to have received much rain - an educated guess as there are no flowers - big disappointment. 
We are staying in Springbok for the night and decided to "rough it" in a B & B for a change!  Much googling in the car in Springbok and we found this very reasonably priced one:  Boesmanland Guest House - very nice - have booked breakfast for tomorrow am so really roughing it!!!
We have both decided that as spectacular and various other adjectives, landscape can be (wherever one is), at heart our true passion is wildlife. It seems fitting, therefore, to include this pic of one of the birds that visited us at Hobas yesterday afternoon.

We will probably take a couple of days to meander back home.

1 comment:

  1. Our Dear Shaz & Luis. Pleased you are back in the land of Nod (very selfish of us!!) and fully understand the comment re landscape and scenery as I reckon very few cameras can 'capture' the whole 'ambiance' at that moment or somesuch?? Where as wildlife, well nuff said!! Pics as usual great. Love the bird!! Our love to you both. Be safe Mum & me xx
