Monday, September 12, 2011

Island Safari Lodge, 12/9/11 (Day 8)

Ipadding at 5 at Gweta this morning.

What a beautiful stretch of road after Gweta, heading towards Maun, for the first say 90km. Still bush veld but larger trees, more blossom evident including what might be lilac trees. (Do we even have them in Africa? Need to research that). Very little signs of humans. Eagles, steenies, ostrich and giraffe in abundance. This is part of the pan reserve and, while we did not see the pan itself (you need to turn off the road for a distance), the pristine conditions are awesome.

Tawny not sure whether to fight or flight!
Decided to stay.

After that it was same old, same old - scruffy bush, cows, goats and .... People - ugh!!!
Stopped in Maun for provisions.
Island Safari Lodge is lovely. We are camped next to the delta waterway, swimming pool close, as well.

Above seems to be my favourite pose/place. It's not easy communicating with the world while Luis does all the work, but somehow, I manage!

I think I can safely say that we prefer Namibia to Botswana. The people here are, for the greater part, not very helpful or friendly. The bush is flat and monotonous - again, there are exceptions. For all that, we are having a whale of a time. (big pun there, as I'm sure I've picked up even more blubber!)

Had another lovely refreshing swim then proceeded to add more blubber: off to the lodge bar for grub and drinks! Nice. Have to make mention of the contrast: Senyati operated on an honesty bar principal where you noted your drinks and paid for them when you left. Other venues allowed a tab for the duration and you were allocated a unique name or number (at Gweta we were "camping"). Here, you pay as soon as you leave the bar area and the bartender accompanies you to the reception area to ensure that you pay (this for credit card, cash would obviously be at the bar).

Luis was talking to me with one leg on the ladder, the other on the ground. Two scrapping squirrels ran straight between his legs! Luis did not miss a beat.

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