Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kaisosi Lodge, Rundu 21/9/11 (Day 17)

Finally managed eyeball contact (said loosely as his eyes were closed) with our elusive tree owl. He really knows how to hide himself:

He's a relatively large bird, around 34cm.

Straight road to Rundu. One thing that struck me was the tree "change". From Katima Mulilo to about 2kms before Divundu, we were seeing predominantly Rhodesian Teak (we think). Then the beautiful cream blossoms of the Knob thorn. For a while it was Baobab trees. Last leg of the journey, Umbrella thorns. And, of course, along the whole route, the ubiquitous Mopani.
We've no sooner got here and Luis is already chatting up the birds! This male peacock was giving him the "come hither" looker and then started displaying,

Kaisosi is on the banks of the Kavango with Angola just a spit away:

Had a refreshing swim in one of two small pools.
Blasted peacock was very verbose during the night. Nearly got up to murder him on numerous occasions. Should get off criminal proceedings lightly. Headlines: "Wife murders peacock in a jealous rage! Not guilty as "Crime of Passion!""
We won't be staying another day here as it is very regimented and we all seem to be on top of one another.

Not shown on above photo is another vehicle with a rooftop tent parked nose to our nose. Could have had a conversation with them from our respective beds last night!

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