Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Namwi Island 20/9/11 (Day 16)

Dusk over Zambezi:

Up early this am so that Luis could have a go at fishing - no luck!
Just missed the magnificent fish eagle landing (suspect he was after an otter) - managed to capture his take off:

A flock of "woodbills" were preening each other in the morning sun:

Little Bleating Warbler was "bleating away"!

The bird life here is incredible. Never a dull moment. During the night there are a number of species of owls hooting away. By call and the assistance of Sasol Birds, we have identified spotted eagle and african wood. Saw two flying over the river last night. (There is a floodlight). Cannot find them during the day, though. We have an extremely dense tree and creeper on our site and have heard one of them in there at dusk. Have yet to find him or see him leave the thicket to go hunting. (Sit with camera poised but no such luck!)
Went for a boat cruise this afternoon. Luis trawled for Tiger but to no avail. On the Zambian side there were some herdsman driving their cows through the river.

Nice hippo posed for us!

Not a particularly inspired photo but it does show the vast extent of the Zambezi River:

Had a really "dof" moment in the early evening. Was listening to birds bickering loudly directly above us. We figured it was a territorial spat. After about 5 minutes of this, we scanned the treetop more intently and there was the owl that we've been searching for, posed and looking at us. By the time it all registered, he took off! Ah well, had a nice visual of the African Tree Owl!

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