Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sarasungu 24/9/11 (Day 20)

The morning started off with some creature screeching - suspect an owl took something as the screech vanished into the night very quickly. No sooner got our hearts back to beating normally when a drunken soul decided to hurl verbal abuse in our general direction. He was "walking" along the road next to us. Suspect the target of abuse was our security guard! Too dark to see much, but, man, he was not a happy camper!
Luis set off fishing as soon as light permitted and caught a large barbel.
I was hoping for a cooler day as there was quite a bit of cloud cover - it soon dissipated!
Have introduced the local bird life to bread. The bread is extremely stale and all our little feathered friends are flying around with white bits in their beaks! Babblers, Boubous, Green buls, Bulbuls, Spectacled weavers, Coucals, all want a piece of the action.
Yellow-Bellied Greenbul:

Got the royal whistle from Luis. Translated it means run like hell with the camera. Half way through the run, I got the royal wave. Translated: don't bother, you're too late! He'd caught a tiger but it jumped the hook before I got there. All I got was a huge thorn in my foot!!! Now whose not happy?
A really lazy day. Reading, fishing & swimming (and eating - lots!!!!)

Heard the banshee screeching again last night, I now suspect it IS the owl, rather than prey, but I'm alone in my opinion!
Guess we'll never know.

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