Monday, September 19, 2011

Ngepi, Popa, Namibia. 17/9/11 (Day 13).

We had an African Wood Owl visit us last night. He flew into our site and hung around for under a minute! Only reason we could id him was by his and his partner's duet reverberating through the night. (Thank you, Sasol Birds for iPad).
Managed to get a shot of the Swamp Boubou. His belly/rumps are all white. The species at Senyati were Tropical Boubous and had a pinkish tinge to their rumps.

A very pleasant border crossing at Mohembo.
As you cross into Namibia you are in the Mahenga game reserve. We stumbled across a small herd of Roan Antelope crossing the road. This one was airborne in his haste to escape us!

The co-ords I programmed into the Garmin for Ngepi Camp were brilliant. They took us to within 700m of the place. Only problem is we were on the other side of the 700m wide Okavango River!!!! Ah well, we only had to backtrack about 20kms to the other side of the river and there, sure enough, in English, was a huge sign pointing to the Ngepi Camp! How we missed it, I don't know!
The owners of Ngepi appear to have a grand sense of humour. Apparently, their toilets are the most photographed in Africa. Here's why:

The shower:

On the 4km softish sand access road is a sign:
"4wd owners engage low range now.
Select diff lock.
All other vehicles, drive normally!"

A sign at their bar reads: "price of drinks depends on customer's attitude".
They have a swimming pool which consists of a cage suspended in the river.
We were allocated site no. 18 which has lovely shade but no river front:

Also, next to us were a bunch of overlanders. We spot some people vacating site 16 so we walked to the reception, in the blazing midday sun and switched sites:

A running sprinkler system provided much needed instant cool down. A number of violet backed starlings were playing in the dripping foliage:

I think the real reason Luis wanted to switch sites was so that he could fish! Anyway, it wasn't long and this fugly, but colourful, fish came out:

A few minutes later, another larger fugly:

We met up with the people who vacated site 16, Alan & Sheila. Lovely couple from Pietermaritzburg but working in Mocambique. Had supper with them. Lovely supper and lovely company. Very dark long walk back to campsite!

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