Friday, September 23, 2011

Sarasungu 23/9/11 (Day 19)

Had a lovely supper at the lodge and a couple of drinks. Slept like a lamb! (dreams weren't so innocent, tho').
Another beautiful day in Africa! Currently 17 deg - forecast is 38 deg.

Luis' catch of the day. Remember, Luis has big hands so it was a fair specimen caught on lure. He subsequently caught a larger one but it had got too warm for me to trundle down (about 400m at a brisk trot!) with the camera.

Makoro man going about his business. He's either going up river to trade (an informal trading post exists where Namibians supply Angolans with much needed provisions), or he's going to lift his gill nets!

You can see the crop fields, so lovingly tended, in the background. We have learned that the crops are various veggie.
Getting back to the Makoro; we witnessed a German couple, all decked out in their orange life jackets, getting on to one of these. The Makoro teetered very precariously. With my incredible sense of balance, would definitely have ended up in the drink!!!! We watched them go upstream for a while, neither one so much as twitched. When they returned they were walking very stiffly! Decided I would not handle it!
Angolan ladies always seem to be hard at work. Haven't seen much evidence of the menfolk. Here's the womenfolk doing their wash load.

Luis was busy taking a photo of our "Good Luck" bird when a "small" (about 1.75m) green water snake came slithering past.

We steered him well clear of our camp site!

Nice sighting but has made us a bit jumpy when sitting under the trees, let alone walking! Even though we knew where this fella was, we battled to see him in the green grass!
Had a nice, lazy swimming session at the lodge, couple of drinks and a divine home-made patty hamburger.
Rest of day was pretty uneventful, just very hot, still. I'm sure we'll be begging for this heat when we reach the much cooler climes of Swakopmund.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys are having a massive jol!
    Be safe and have fun!
    Love Dom, Jay, Zac & Benjy
