Monday, September 19, 2011

Namwi Island, Katima Mulilo. 18/9/11 (Day 14)

Uneventful, long drive to Katima Mulilo. Checked in at Namwi Island on the Zambezi River. What a contrast: lush green lawns, paved sites and walkways, swimming pool. It may not be the "real" Africa (apart from the damn flies) but it's a welcome relief from sand, sand and more sand!

(That's the Zambezi in the background - Luis will be fishing again! (hence the smile if you zoom in on above pic!))

There were 3 Livingstone's Turacos in our giant shade tree today. Tried getting a photo but do not have a good one yet! Really pretty birds. Will keep on trying.
Luis tried for tiger this afternoon. One "knock" but plenty feints. Guess he'll keep on trying too!!!

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